Plain and Simple.
Large Teeth, Big Bones, Heavy, and Looooooong necks.....these creatures that used to rule the world have tickled my imagination and haunted me in my dreams ever since I was a little girl. I used to imagine, "What if dinosaurs and humans had to live side by side? Would I be able to survive in that world?"
In many ways I find the marketers who love to say, "Well, I've been doing my market research and marketing this way for 25+ years" fascinating as well. Most of the time these statements come up while defending their way of doing things and they don't want to change anything about it. I call these people "Dinosaur Marketers." They fascinate me with their experience and knowledge, tickle my imagination with their stories, and haunt me in my dreams as well.
Now, I'm not saying that their marketing or market research tactics are wrong. And I also I agree that relying on technology will not gather the same kind of research as an in-person interview. In their defense it must be hard to accept the fact that the demand for outsourced marketing and research has shifted greatly. Less and less companies have money to do in-person focus groups and using an online forum to conduct research is much more cost effective. I've seen $90,000/yr employees being replaced by software that only cost $12,000/yr to use and maintain.
Most long-term business relationships are paved with good intentions, but in the end even a good relationship will be reviewed and evaluated if something newer, flashier, cheaper, and easier to use is out there.
Many of you may be asking, "Hey...is this even cool to put experienced marketers on blast? Are you worried you are going to burn bridges in the marketing community, and what does this have to do with 'socially conscious marketing?"
The reality: it's happening and it cannot be stopped. Regardless of experience levels, we all need to admit that the industry is changing, and different jobs in marketing and market research are becoming extinct. It's critical to make changes to sustain a company and in the end provide a job that will keep a roof over your head. Being socially conscious also means being aware of the trends and being flexible enough to stay relevant in your niche.
The solution is a tough pill to swallow: You need to change with the times, reinvent yourself, and offer these choices to your clients or risk losing them forever. If you are anti-Twitter, stop! If you don't have a Facebook fan page, start one now! If you don't have a blog then you missing out on prime opportunities to reinvent your company brand.
I hate to compare the hard-headed marketers who are unwilling to change to dinosaurs. Dinosaurs are extinct and unless they make drastic changes, someday they will be too.