Monday, August 20, 2012

Applegate Farms: Educating Meat Eaters Through Laughter

As a YouTube visiter you can now choose to skip commercials after 5 seconds and go directly to the content you are looking to watch. However, every time a commercial for Applegate Farms comes on I have to keep watching this 33 second commercial.

It's funny, the message is simple, and I love both characters: The concerned mother and the muscled cow man.  I am not a mom but I know plenty of friends who are that review everything their families eat with great detail. I see it even more so in the Portland area than elsewhere.

Applegate farms and other organic/all-natural food products are now using viral videos and comedy to spread the word that growth hormones in meat is bad for you. So bad that you can in fact it might as well be a roided-out german body builder in a cow costume.

It doesn't take a genius to see that it's probably not good to eat foods pumped full of hormones and medication. People of all ages can learn and laugh watching this commercial. It's really great to watch organic food product commercials going viral instead of the typical chip or soda commercial.

I've eaten Applegate farm sausages and they are good for prepackaged sausages. My personal favorite sausages are from the New Seasons Market, however, Applegate farms are great sausages that are precooked and great for a quick meal.

For more information visit: Applegate Farms

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