Monday, September 21, 2015

Priya Parker Project Step 5: Dwindling Cash Experiment

"Hello? That's money callin' me!"

This is my experience with step 5 of Priya Parker's Reboot project. 

STEP 5 (Finance)-  Dwindling-Cash Experiment:  To check how much money is enough money for you to live a normal life. In this experiments you first note down how much money you spend on yourself per month (not how much you earn) . Take that amount from bank and put it in an envelope. Then divide it into 4 parts (40%, 30%, 20% and 10% of total).  Then expose yourself to 4 different money parts one in each week. Start with 40% money for first week, then 30% in next week, etc. Note down what you did in each week and how did you manage e.g.  live with this much money for one week each to know how much money is sufficient for you/your habits/constraints/spending pattern, mind-set, etc. Find out what amount you are comfortable with and live on. Build a financial model and see how much you need to “reboot” your life.
I will tell you upfront I did not follow through and divide 1 month's worth of earnings into 4 parts and follow Priya's instructions. It was much too difficult and I really did not like the idea of spending A LOT of money in one week just because it says to. Instead, what I did was analyze my spending habits in my bank account from January until mid September. It is obvious that I spent money a bit more freely when I had a lot more in my savings than I do at the moment. For those who don't have a lot of money up front to do the Priya project like she says, this may be a manageable way to run a dwindling cash experiment.


In January I took two trip to Palm Springs with my bff and Vegas for a bachelorette party. We did spa days and went to a Chippendale's show, and spent money eating and drinking well. I noticed that I ate out significantly more and frequented the higher-end grocery stores more often than I would like to admit. And to buy what? I don't remember, but I'm sure it was tasty. I also had my hair done with red extensions as a "happy I'm not working anymore" gift to myself. No, I will not disclose how much that was. Sorry, honey!


The Seahawks lost the Superbowl. I bought some new gear and hats for me and my husband before the SB. I also started buying a bunch of craft stuff to start on a project for St. Patty's day. I spent money on an online analytics class. Did a few trips up to Seattle and spent money on wedding gift and bridal shower gifts. 


I was in Seattle a lot. For a wedding, to see my family, and spend time with some friends. I contemplated the idea of looking for a job in Seattle and moving back. Portland is a tough market to crack into. I had a few job interviews that resulted in pretty bad rejections. I knew I still had a lot of work to do in order to be hirable in Portland. However, if was hard to shake off the rejection. I also spent money on a St. Patty's day excursion with my friends and made rainbow shoes and orange and green kitty accessories. Staying crafty really helped me through my tough transition into looking for a job again. 


This month was my husband's birthday, so I decided to throw a lip sync battle party and provide some food and booze for the guests. It was a lot of fun and, wow, the house was a disaster the next day. Luckily, Ian felt better enough to help me clean the house the next day  so it wasn't a mess that we had to deal with all week. We may have gone out to dinner a few times as well. We also traveled to Ian's best friend's wedding in Plano, Illinois. Our second wedding of the year. Good times!


In May I went to Colorado to meet up with my best friend and her pal for a girls weekend. By this time I had gotten a few more job rejected and feeling pretty low. Although I kept applying, my heart really was not into anything so I concentrated on meditation and  bought/ read books on energy work, soul purpose guidance and more. As silly as it sounds, the more I realize our out of touch I am with the present, the more stress and anxiety I tend to hold. I also noticed how shallow my my everyday breaths were. I still have a problem with this, but at least I started waking up to these things and am making an effort to connect with the earth.

Wedding number 3 in Chicago! That meant more flying and buying food, Ubering all over the place, etc. I did buy a new dress, purse, and also bought paints to update my shoes to match my dress. I vowed to myself not to buy another dress for the next 2 weddings coming up. At home, we stopped eating out so much and I started buying less organic foods and meats. My husband and I also worked on our backyard garden to make sure we had some fresh veggies to supplement our grocery bill (which is around $100/week for 2 of us).


This summer, we went to the beach way more than we normally do. It's  something I have mentioned to Ian many times that I wanted to do more often. The temperature is generally 10-15 degrees lower at the beach than in-land. It is the perfect getaway spot when the temps are rising in Portland. July 4th weekend, we took a gamble and went into the coastal mountains to find a camping spot, and we got super lucky! That didn't cost us much except for food and one meal out . Then our friend invited us to a weekend beach house trip in which we contributed food and booze to the communal eating/drinking space. Good times!  We also did a family camping trip to an island in the Colombia. We did a follow up trip with friends at the same spot. Again, most of my money went to food for these trips and covering my bills.


In August we went to a wedding (our fourth one) and I helped with their flowers and was in charge of the tear-down check list. Then we did a family trip to Copalis Beach. Spent money on food and wedding gifts. I also spent money on two concerts. One was $10 bucks to see the Physics, a Seattle band, and the other was to see Lindsey Sterling. Her tickets were $40/each and a bit pricey for my budget, however, it was much cheaper than when I tried to find tickets to her show in the past. I also spent money on materials to make costumes for a drag costume birthday party. I dressed up Ian as the Portlandia Statue, and I was Poseiden, and Cooper was a pretty princess. We won first place. It was a lot of fun. When I have a vision I generally tend to see it through and for the most part, I was happy with the results. I did forget to mention that I did spend money on sewing classes and also materials in July. It was intense, but I really learned a lot about the basics of sewing. I hope to take those classes again the future when I have more money and time. We did not go out to eat except when friends wanted to go out.  The garden was growing so that cut my food bill to around $80/week. That was nice. I also did a quick 2 day trip to Seattle to see friends and my sister. Spent money on travel, food to cook for a dinner, and a meal out. Our anniversary is in August and we kept it fairly low key with dinners at home and maybe Ian treated me out to dinner later on. I can't really remember. I also recall my drinking habits significantly slowing down over the course of the summer. I don't really know why, but drinking for taste and complimenting the food I eat is really all I do. Drinking to loosen up or get a buzz doesn't appeal to me anymore. I find myself ordering a glass of wine or beer or one cocktail and that's it. Makes me more of a cheap date, which Ian loves LOL!


Since September is still going, I decided to only document a few things. I did buy a new electric bike, and we haven't really been spending too much money on groceries. Maybe closer to $70/week. We went to a lovely wedding (our fifth) in Mt. Rainier and paid for gifts for the bride and groom. I went on a 90s boat cruise with some girlfriends with the Groupon rate of $12. Didn't drink at all because the cocktails were $8 bucks! yikes! Did spend money on Uber to get around but the girls chipped in to pay so it's all good. I also spent money to put Cooper in doggy daycare as we are about to go on a road trip, and I hired a dog walker to take Cooper out for walks 5/days a week while Ian and I are at work starting the 28th. I haven't made payments on that, but it will hit my wallet at the end of the month.

So overall, I do notice that my spending habits and my eating and drinking habits did change a bit due to being on more of a tight budget. We did not go out to eat as much, and I even stopped buying treats for my dog. He has to eat his regular food for treats, poor thing. I was still able to do many things I enjoyed (within reason). I stopped buying clothes after June. Even the thrift store was off limits. I inventoried my existing clothes and separated them based on work appropriate and casual wear. I have been spending mostly my unemployment check each week. Not the whole thing, but certainly a lot of it goes to food and bills and small things. Do I think I could live off of the amount I get on unemployment forever? No. I don't feel comfortable at all. It would be really painful and even more sacrifices would have to be made to live off of it. I am lucky that I don't have to  be on my own, but if I was, I certainly would feel a lot of anxiety and stress during this time.

Realistically I think I could get by on perhaps $600 a week after taxes and be ok. It could feel comfortable and I could save at least $50 to $100 a week possibly. I would still need to work on lowering the grocery budget and modify my social habits a bit. It would be a bit tougher to travel on this budget, so I would have to wait longer in between vacations to plan some good trips. 

I have been talking with some friends and family about a new perspective on how to find happiness without getting burnt out n the rat race. If I were to go back to work, at what cost does the added stress add to my family? I am still pondering that. All I know is that happiness and health is priceless. You can't buy it. If health can be bought, Steve Jobs would still be alive today. If happiness can be bought, then people at the poverty level around the world would never smile or laugh or be thankful. But that isn't the case at all. Having had the opportunity to travel to different places, I notice how simplified people's lives are. They have significantly less consumables in their homes. There's no gizmos or gadgets for everything in life. They make do with what they have and what their community and help out with, or help their community with that they have. There's an internal struggle I have: to want nice things and experiences at whatever cost it takes, and to want the simple and frugal life. It's hard to have both sometimes. I am very fortunate to be married to someone who is very fiscally responsible and helps me to be realistic with money even when old habits tempt me. If we can't eat as many fancy cheese and crackers as we used to, we won't shrivel up and die. But I want to not cut them out of my life forever.

So what do I think of this modified Priya Parker Project? Possibly a failed one. Possibly an eye opener.  It raises more questions than answers for me.

Friday, July 10, 2015

Effing Confidence - Why Nothing Else Matters Without It

I love this picture. I want to be that cat that looks in the mirror and sees a gorgeous lion.
But lately, when I look in the mirror or reflect on my life I see a sickly scared kitten who is having a hard time dealing with life when things get uncomfortable.

I have so many good friends and family who carry themselves with confidence to learn from. Both my best friend and my husband are two of the most confident people I know. I tend to carry myself very confidently even though I see and feel so many imperfections and have many WIP issues that take a lot of my energy. But somewhere, somehow, something is not translating properly and it's inhibiting my desires to live out my dreams and true soul's desire. So I am writing this to myself and hopefully it can help you make building confidence a priority in order to find happiness and success. The crazy thing is that I am awesome at offering advice to people and clients, but I am shitty at listening and implementing my own advice for myself. It takes another person or thing to point out what I already knew about myself to really rattle me into start making some changes. In this exercise, I am turning the tables on myself and writing out what I need to build effing confidence and rule the world on my terms.

1. Sell the dream of what you can offer during an interview and do it with gusto and much thought put into it.

My friend, John, always says he's living the dream and always has to remind me to to sell the dream. Sell it to my customers, walk and talk it in everyday life. In my personal life I dream BIG. Like REALLY REALLY impossibly big. So big that I've had to burst my own dream bubbles and come back to reality. My idea of dreams needs to evolve and be applicable to different parts of my life in order to sell dreams and ideas. So how do I do that? By taking one day at a time. Figure out what you can accomplish today and make it happen. I'm not a gardener but dreams needs to be thought of as planting seeds and the process of cultivating it so it could grow into something amazing. So in that next interview  plant "idea seeds" and make people envision you kicking ass at your role because you know you could totally do it. Practice this with everyday life situations. The more practice, the easier it will transfer to all parts of your life.

2. Grow a backbone. Or if you have one, take time to make it stronger.

One of the things I have been struggling my WHOLE life in the business world is people telling me I'm too soft at times. I have a backbone, but it doesn't show up all the time. People who value toughness sees this as weakness. Tough people eat weak folks for breakfast.  The owner of the company that I worked for told me this A LOT of times when I first started working there, and I slowly got better, but it was not perfect. In all honesty, my backbone comes out when I really know my shit and I'm vibing with someone who's personality puts me at ease. If I don't feel comfortable dealing with them, all of a sudden my backbone goes into hiding and I metaphorically curl up into a fetal position and put up the white flag and say sorry or do that stupid nervous laugh that does nothing but annoys everyone including myself. How am I going to make sure my backbone is anchored on me at all times? By mentally and physically preparing myself to deal with people from all walks of life. By slowing down when I speak, and stick to topics and stories that I am 100% sure of. Maybe I could imagine the person naked? LOL, no. But I have to stop relinquishing power so quickly and stick with what I know is true to the situation at hand. Also know that you may not win the battle every time, but if you can put people at ease by speaking to what is amazing about you the backbone will stick around and be your best ally.

3. Know what you are good at and think of all the times you completely rocked the shit out of something. Document those times in terms of how you felt at the time and how you feel about it now.

A lot of the reasons why restaurants don't like yelp is because very few people will document the good experience they had vs. the not so pleasant experience. That's why I have no issue with eating at places that are 3 1/2 stars or higher. Generally the food and service has always been pretty amazing at this sweet spot rating score. How many positive personal reviews of my life do I have? Uhhhh....shit.  Does Instagram and Facebook count? What I will do is document in detail some good stuff that I've done at my job so I can read back and review those, and recall my experiences better during interviews. The better I do that, the better I will sound to the person interviewing me.

4. Spend time doing positive affirmations and meditation

One of the things I have found to be very valuable is the time to meditate and just shut my mind off. I am not the best at it, but when I get to a point where I can do it, it feels amazing! It's much easier for me to do this while on vacation away from my regular duties. However, it's getting easier to tune out my mind's crazy chatter and just be in the moment. The next thing I have been working on is adding binaural beats and giving myself a mantra to say to myself over and over again that helps me affirm what I believe I am capable of doing.  I used to think this stuff was hooey, but I think it's slowly working and it's helping me get over things faster so I can move on to new projects. To help me build more confidence, I plan to continue with positive affirmations and meditation. I will train my brain to be nicer to myself and it's observation of me and what I'm capable of achieving.

5. Practice Fear Busting

Damn, I talk about fear all the freaking time. But it really is one of the things that has crippled me from being the absolute all that I want to be. I know where it stems from and how it manifests and leaches into so many parts of my life. To fight back, I have to face it head on and do things that I am scared of. Maybe something like riding my bike in Portland is a good place to start. Why am I even terrified of riding around in one of the most bike-friendly cities in the country? Did you know Portland puts white painted bikes to mark all the places bikers have died around the city? I live close to one of these and it haunts me and makes me scared of biking. That, and I really don't like how uncomfortable my butt feels when riding on gradual hills. There are other excuses I can list off but you get the idea. To bust up fears I need to get out of my comfort zone and challenge myself physically and mentally in all parts of my life. Maybe do a terrifyingly difficult hike. Maybe drive to a part of town I am not familiar with and try to figure out my way home without my GPS. Gasp, maybe leave the Portland bubble and actually get out to the suburbs. Well, let's not go too crazy here. I do not like suburbia. AT ALL. The more fears I bust, the better the confidence will be. I know it to be true. So let's make it happen.

Friday, June 26, 2015

Priya Parker Project Step 4: Life Sentence

 Step 4 of the Priya Parker Project is a daunting and challenging one for me. I have been deeply asking myself this question ever since I left my job back in December 2014, and I haven't come up with a clear answer yet. Part of the reason is because I am a person of many interests. I am lucky that I believe I can do whatever I want and be fairly good at it if I tried my best, but the flip side means that I tend to stretch myself thin with my interests and don't grow my skills and knowledge beyond the basics and what feels natural and easy to me. I am going to try my best to write down what I have learned about myself over the past six months based on the three questions presented by Priya.
STEP 4 (Mental & Emotion)- Life Sentence: Give yourself a life sentence, like many organization and companies generally have their mission and vision statements. Ask questions like, What do I value? What is the purpose of my life?,etc see below:
  •  A. What are the qualities and values that I bring with me (regardless of family or at work)?
1. The qualities I bring with me no matter where I go in life is that I truly value being open minded to what the world and different cultures have to offer regardless if it is different from what I've experienced over the years. This includes my experience at work. I respect it and see it as a learning opportunity. At the end of the day, we need to coexist for a common purpose to succeed. 

2. I highly value people who make plans and keep their promises and follow through with plans. Nothing irritates me more than people who are super flaky and says they will do something, but then back out at the last minute. I don't believe that being tired is a good enough reason to ditch your plans. You should still show up, but it's ok to leave early. That's why I value some of my relationships over others because of this quality alone. I believe in "doing what you say, and saying what you do." I pridefully hold myself to this each and everyday of my life and I can honestly say I have never once flaked on a person at the last minute. Not now, not ever. 

3. I believe we should live life to have fun! I am an eternal child at heart always looking for a way to enjoy life. Whether it is an incredibly delicious meal with wine, a meaningful conversation, a good concert, or simply cuddling in bed in my dog, Cooper. Those things are fun to me. Fun doesn't have to loud and rowdy. It comes in all shapes and forms. I try to have some kind of fun everyday. Even weird stuff like derma rolling my face with 2.5mm needles and making my own vitamin c serum is fun in my book.

4. Having a balanced work/personal life is very important to me. I can't be all one or the other. It drives me insane and starts to manifest physically into illnesses and goodness knows what else. I dream of having it all and it really upsets me when people say you can't have it because that's not how the world works. Maybe not in your world, but in mine it's something I deeply desire. I love working. I love working very hard and dreaming up crazy out-of-the-box ideas and plotting ways to execute these ideas. I love seeing my ideas become successful and well received! I also worry when I see people over-working. I know I can't possibly understand fully what motivates them to do all work with little time for personal growth and family, but I strongly believe they would regret not balancing priorities should something major happen. Nobody will remember the number of hours you worked. They just will will remember you as a hard working person, but the details will be vague. The things that define you are what you do with your free time, therefore, I believe it's important to have the right balance. Easier said than done, but, it's not a bad thing to strive for if it means a better well-being for yourself and your loved ones.

5. I value being your most authentic self. Now I know there are times where you must hold back some of who you are out of respect for others, but I believe it's important to be true to your words and true to yourself. One of things I really cannot stand is office politics. I witnessed a good friend and former colleague play into it, and I can honestly say the friendship has not been the same. Why? Because I don't believe the true self is always being shown to me and I sense it. I don't like games at work. I don't play games. What you see is what you get. I work hard and I'm honest. I'm smart and reliable and do what I say. That's it. No mind games. End of story.

  • B. What is that I actually Do?
This question is the scariest question. Honestly, I don't know at the moment. I do whatever I think needs to be done at a certain moment. After going from working 50 hours a week to nothing it's hard to define what you do without a job. My brother-in-law likes to make jokes that I am sitting around eating bonbons and watching daytime television while not showering for 3 days straight. I know it's a joke and it's definitely not what I do all the time, but sometimes it hurts. This time away from working made me realize how much of my identity was wrapped up with the money I was making. Take it away and what do I have? Who am I? What do I do? It's frightening. But over the past couple of months I have learned that I am a loving wife with an amazing husband, a over-protective but extremely loving dog mom, a life student, a friend, a dreamer, a reader, a shoe art maker, a traveler, an experience maker, and a creative thinker and doer. I don't know how I will launch this into my next career. All I know is that this time will influence how well I will do at my next job. And I cannot have my job define what I do. It is a part of me, but it does not define me and how I do life.

  • C. Why I do all this? It is most difficult but important task. It helps in analyzing your life and help you to make future decision-making about life.
At the moment, I am doing what I do because it feels good, it's easy, and it's natural to me. Being able to sit in a pocket and stew on the things I am good at and enjoy has been great, however, I am missing a component: being brave enough to put myself out there and challenge myself to really go after my dreams. Why? Because I'm scared! I come from a family where my mom instilled a lot of fear in my sister and me. Although it came from a place of love, I know it shapes the way I go after things in my life. Remember I wrote something about being on a diving board and not being able to jump? Yeah, that's me in a lot of aspects of my life. I have never really been much of a risk taker, however, I know the major risks I've taken have proven to be the best decisions of my life. I don't know why I am scared and worried about money. I don't understand why I can't find one thing I want to try to make a living from and stick to it. Why am I so scared? I guess after all this time off, I am still questioning this and I am pressuring myself to figuring it out soon, but it's been hard. Have I failed because I haven't challenged myself enough? I don't know yet. I just don't know. All I know is that it's good for me to keep my hands busy and I am praying that the answers will come sooner than I realize. I made a major decision to leave my job and I am still questioning whether it was a good idea or not. Deep down I know it was, but at the same time, I can't help but wonder if it would have made figuring out the next plan in life easier had I kept the job. I guess we will never know now. I gotta figure out how to do life with where I am at in this moment. 

Conclusion: So what about that life sentence/mission statement?

Based on all that I learned over the past few months, I can honestly say that life is short and try to be your true self as much as possible. Life life full of color, adventures, and plenty of relaxation mixed within it. Love your partners and support them to the ends of the earth, but also make sure to find the value you bring to the table. Never lose sight of your own value. Live with your eyes and your heart and soul open to the world and the experiences you are meant to have. I don't know what my life journey has in store for me at all. All I know is that it's not what I expected at all, but I am thankful for the time of humbleness and contemplation. I know I will look back at this time in my life and be thankful and wistful of more time just to do me.

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Priya Project #3: Exercising Those Uncomfortable Muscles

Hi! No, that is not me up there. I wish it was, though. Squats are good!
Here I am at step 3 which I finished a couple of months ago but didn't write about it until now.
STEP 3 (Physical & Emotional)- Get comfortable with this concept: Build your muscles for discomfort i.e. get habituated with awkward and humiliating situations in life! Just for the experiment she has suggested following 3 crazy ways –

  • (a)      Start singing in public places when in queue or standing. Notice your emotions inside  the body (heart),and feelings while doing this.
  • (b)      Go outside for dinner alone (habit of staying alone), without reading  material, mobile or anything to entertain
  • (c)      Stand-up facing back towards door in a lift (different from others)

My Experience (a): I went shopping a few times at New Seasons and Fred Meyers and started singing Adele's "Rolling In The Deep" in line while putting my groceries on the belt. I guess Portland is used to this kind of stuff because nobody found it weird or awkward. They didn't even look at me! I certainly was aware of my surroundings, and felt my body temperature rise a bit. My body felt a bit tight as I tried moving my items from the cart to the belt, and my voice warbled a bit until I realized that nobody gave a shit. I then sang a bit louder and stopped caring what people might think.

My Experience (b): I took myself out to Bazi Bierbrasserie for dinner on my own. No cell phone. No reading material. I ordered a burger and a beer at the bar. There was a beer dinner club happening on site so a lot of people around enjoying imported beers and talking among themselves about the taste and nuances of each of the beers. I noticed their voices getting louder and louder as the night went on. It must be the alcohol, LOL!  The burger itself was pretty good. Not the best burger of my life, but I appreciated it for what it was. Sometimes I found myself over-examining it due to shear boredom. The waitress must have noticed too because she came by asking me if everything tasted alright.

My Experience (c): I was at the Ford Building on 11th and Division and took the elevator to my appointment. There was another person inside with me. They looked a bit confused why I turned my back to the door, and I smiled at him, and he just looked back down at his smart phone until it was time to get off the lift. Did I feel weird? Yes, but not that much because there was only one person and the ride was short. 

Conclusion: Exercising those uncomfy muscles is hard. However, I feel like I do that a lot in general. Anytime I wear nicer clothes than my usual sweats and leggings, or even wear a big hat I feel self conscious and my mind starts worrying about my appearance and my weight. I'm not a person who really likes a lot of attention on me all the time. I like to engage with people, but I don't need all eyes on me. Even at my own wedding I really did not like people looking at me all day. At times I was super embarrassed and really savored those moments I could step away and be with a few people or by myself. This exercise was a good reminder that being self conscious should not get in the way of being out there in the spotlight, or even doing things on your own without the crutch of your smartphone. It made me realize that my fear of people judging me is much greater than I have let on and it's something I need to work on in order to become the best version of me possible.

Monday, April 13, 2015

The Priya Parker Project: Part 2 Passion Comic Strip

It's been a while, but I promise you, I am still working on the Priya Parker Project!

Part 2: Passion comic strip. OK, I am not much of a drawer. My sister is the better drawer. My hands and what my mind whats to draw don't translate well. Nevertheless, here is what I have after interviewing 5-7 people in my life whom I have known at different parts of my life. I found that I was able to compartmentalize them into four boxes of drawings:

This first set of drawings shows that my friends and family notice that I am very much a people person. They say I seem to enjoy interacting with people, hanging out with friends and family, and meeting new people.  My friends and family notice that I enjoy socializing, partying, going on city adventures, dancing, and so on. I guess I have been known to be someone who knows cool things to do anywhere I go.

This next drawing shows that my friends and family notice that I really like to be creative. I enjoy making music, costumes, and being creative with food, and making things pretty.  I enjoy planning events and really pushing the envelope of my creativity. I always tell everyone never to half ass anything - whole ass everything! 

Augh. This is so not what Cooper looks like LOL! My friends and family notice that I am most happy with my friends and family and my dog, Cooper. I swear, he's way cuter than this drawing!

It's funny when your closest friends and family notice things about you that you never really expressed to anyone. I know they knew that I enjoy traveling and exploring new places. I guess I didn't realize that they also noticed how much I really enjoy changing things up and never trying to do the same thing twice. Perhaps this is a sign that I am meant to be more of a project manager with start and end dates to work with? Who knows. 

Thank you to everyone who contributed and shared their thoughts! It really is helping me figure out what I truly want from this life and I appreciate your love and support during this time.

Monday, February 2, 2015

Why There's Nobody That Is More True To Themselves In The NFL Than Marshawn Lynch

So my beloved Seattle Seahawks lost the Super Bowl 49 in the most tragic of fashion. One minute I was excited, the next was stunned silence. At the end of the day, I was grateful to watch a team that has gone through a tremendously tough season. A season where many casted them to the side as non-contenders. A season where they lost on the biggest stage mostly by their own mistakes, and not at the hands of another competitor. They are NFC champions and it was a great season of football.

The person I most admired throughout their season is Marshawn Lynch. A man of little words to the media. A person who is trying to be his true self at all times. Who is infuriated with how the media twists his words and portray him as something he is not. Words hurt even the toughest of athletes. But at the same time, it encourages him to find better ways to be his true self to his family, his friends, and his fans. He doesn't care about his obligations to the rich owners and commissioners of the league because they want to control his words and his persona. And to him, that is too precious to offer. Isn't playing good football enough? He's still going to wear his Beast Mode gear, still wear his gold head phones, still eat his skittles, and still do the interviews, commercials, or endorsements that he enjoys. Most of all, Marshawn is going to go back to his community and give back to the kids and families that need it the most. The guy is still a mystery, and as a Hawks fan, you respect it and let him be Beast Mode.

When he was asked why didn't they give him the ball to run in for the touch down, his answer was more brilliant than anyone could ever ask for. He reminded everyone that football is a team sport. You win and lose as a team. You trust the calls that are being made and just go for it. That's it.

As a person who is trying to find a life and a career that allows me to thrive as my true self, I am very inspired by #24's actions and his words. I mean, yes, there will always be an obligation to do things you may not feel like doing, but is it worth losing who you are?  There's nothing more terrifying to me than becoming a corporate drone where HR tells me what I can and can't wear, or do my hair a certain way, or speak the way I am most comfortable speaking. I wish our outfits and how we present ourselves to the world wouldn't matter so much in business. Why can't I have a high paying job and be my true self? It doesn't mean I am less articulate or intelligent than the walking Banana Republic catalogs that troll the business districts. Why is standing out such a bad thing? Why minimize distractions? It's because there's a brand and business to protect. The investors that do not see the world the same way as I do. It's all about that money.

We've all been told actions speak louder than words. And even though he continues to be fined by the NFL for not speaking or being who he is, nobody's actions speak louder than Marshawn Lynch.

Stay true to yourself.

Keep being Beast Mode.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

The Priya Parker Project - Step 1: The Obituary

This morning I woke up excited to write my obituary. That sounds weird doesn't it? I googled how to write a proper one, and of course, looked up Steve Jobs's obituary for some inspiration. At one point in his life he had to make a drastic decisions to live his dreams. He did that by quitting college and going straight into the tech field and the rest is history. Hopefully, I am brave enough to make drastic decisions that sets me on the path towards my dreams. 

Although Priya Parker says to write only 600 words on paper, I want to just free flow and see where the ball lands. Hope that's ok with you. So this is not a proper obituary.  It's me afterall. And I am far from proper. Enjoy!

Esther Anh Dao Siuha Rmah LaVielle, a citizen of the world, has died at the age of 99 in Lyon, France on **/**/**** (I don't want to do the math right now). The cause of death was from old age and she passed peacefully in her sleep next to her husband of 70 years.

Esther was born in Seattle, Washington to Blot and Duang Rmah and lived most of her childhood in Mountlake Terrace, WA. Growing up she enjoyed car camping trips with her little sister, Christine, and her parents. Her dad would drive the family all over Washington, Oregon, and parts of Canada. Her particularly favorite memory was when they missed the black ball ferry from Victoria BC to Port Angeles, WA, and had to sleep in a random camp site in their van while eating sardines and hot cheese. Esther had dreams of becoming a financial planner and started her college career at Shoreline Community College, then transferred to Western Washington University into the finance program. Once she got there, she became bored of finance and discovered she really enjoyed management and marketing classes. The creative and fun aspect spoke to her, so she switched majors and graduated with a Marketing degree in 2003. In 2005, on her 25th birthday, she met her husband, Ian, at her birthday party through a mutual friend. They did not hit it off until 6 month later when she moved to Seattle. Three and a half years later, they would get married at a beautiful garden in Camas, WA, surrounded by the best of friends and family. 

One of the major events and activities that heavily influenced her life was music. Her parents pushed her into playing piano, and from there she started sing, playing the flute, trombone, drums, trumpet, and saxophone. When she was in her 20s she met a good friend, Ivan, and they formed Ductape Productions, and began making and selling beats, and producing music for several aspiring artists in the Northwest. They even did shows around Seattle and had a small following on social media pre-Facebook era. Although the dreams to take it to the next level were there, real life and bills had to get paid. So both members abandoned the dream and reality set in.

One of the biggest and proudest moments in Esther's life was when she paid off all of her school and car loans within 9 years of graduation. There were points where she had to take a few second jobs just to afford paying all the bills and living on her own. There were many times she can physically see that her bank account was down to the very last $5 dollars with 3 more days until pay day. Eventually she found herself working evenings at a marketing research firm part time, and instantly things began to click. From there, they offered her a full time position, and Esther started her project management career. Not really knowing why, but surveys, data analysis, and sharing results, coming up with conclusions, and making decisions based on analytics became a strange yet lucrative passion. This stuff was fun to her!  Eventually, with the support of her loving husband, she left the research firm and found herself at a market research software  firm where her experience made a huge difference to the existing platform. Her new position allowed her to become 100% debt free by 31 years old and also save up plenty of money for retirement and trips to France, Croatia, Colombia, and more.

At the age of 33, after  getting struck by lightening and having emergency surgery, she realized that the stress was wrecking her body and soul. It took all of 2014, but she managed to leave her cushy job, and dove into exploring what made her heart sing. Taking all the messages,and going through the Priya Parker Project helped her see that she will always be a kid at heart desiring to have fun in any situation. Whether it's making good money or personal time, it's ok act a fool and just live and be your true self. They say that time flies when you are having fun, and Esther lived passionately to have fun as much as possible and be exactly what people see in her: A Genuine and honest person who thinks that getting ahead in life by being fair, respectful, and with your dignity in tact is the best way to live. To see  and experience the world from as many angles as possible. To revel in sharing memories with loved ones. Whether it was with herself, with her close knit family and friends, or even laughing with perfect strangers, her smile and outlook on life remained that way until the day she passed on. 

Esther is survived by her husband, Ian, and their two kids, Stargazer and Lily, and grand children Sage, Willow, River, and Axel, her sister Paster Christine Rmah Ricardo, brother and sister in law, Todd and Alex, as well as her closest friends from around the world, as well as as their beloved dog, Cooper the 5th. 

The service will be held the Bremerton ferry where her ashes will be laid to rest in the Puget Sound in Seattle, WA. After that she demands that everyone eats, drinks, and listens to all of her favorite hip hop tunes and other music at an ear ringing decibel. 

All memorial donations should go to the grandkids of Esther, or you can also donate to the Arbor association and plant trees in honor of the LaVielles.

If anyone wants to go on this journey with me you are more than welcome!, I wish you all the best this universe has to offer.

Check out the video in the link below.

Monday, January 26, 2015

The Priya Parker Project: The Back Story

It's been a month since I quit my job. A job that I had passionately loved.  A job with incredible coworkers. I was good at my job and it made me good money that I got to travel around the world with and pay off $60k in car and school loans. A job that gave me a lot of flexibility to work from home in Portland. 

But something was missing. Be it some growing pains, office politics, or the fact that I was not in the office regularly - which makes you the last person to know about anything, somehow the need for me to have fun at my job began to allude me. I can pinpoint exactly that time I started to lose that fun feeling. August 7th, 2013. Three weeks after getting struck by lightening on a rooftop deck in Seattle, and a week after recovering from emergency surgery. I remember myself getting admitted for an inpatient hospital stay, and the first thing I told my husband was, "Call my bosses and tell them I will be missing work." I was in so much pain and yet all I could think about was all of the work piling up the following week. When I finally opened up my laptop, after a week of recovery, I wondered why I even stressed out so much? What am I doing to myself? How did I let all this stress almost kill me? Is this really how I want to live? Shit still went on without me. My coworkers picked up my workload. My accounts got handled. Life went on and continues to goes on.

By January 2014, I started feeling like a person going through the motions. My husband and I were trying to have a baby, and that stress along with work stunted any joy I had inside of me. I started going to therapy to talk about it, and he made me realize that I didn't take long deep breathes when I spoke about my job and that I need to start changing the way I thought about things. And he was right. Little did I know that it would take me the entire 2014 to really start changing my thoughts and my attitude towards what I want from life. Along the way I met with a career coach, Aubrie, who helped me understand why I needed to feel like I am having fun and and encouraged me to explore more with what brings me true joy. When I was in Medellin Colombia in the fall, I met Jade, who was from Seattle (small world right?),  and she taught me about about the power of affirmations and living life as though you already have everything you need because the universe will provide. Even then, I still felt like I was standing on the diving board looking down at the water knowing that I needed to jump. That I have to jump. That there were no other options. But I didn't really know when to do it or if I was ready to dive into the water.

After coming back to Colombia, some things at the job unfolded, and somehow I am now blessed with this time off. I had been working 11 years straight with no real break, and now I can actually sleep in and relax without any deadlines and upset accounts calling or emailing all hours of the day. I'm not going to lie. Going from 45-55+hr day/night work weeks to zero responsibilities is shocking. Although I am using this time to learn new things, I still feel bored at times. There were no schedules or deadlines to meet. Five years at the same job going 100mph nonstop to nothing requires a lot of detox.

Early January I went on a vision quest with my best friend. She, herself, had recently made huge life decisions and moved to LA to give her daughter a real shot at becoming a child actress. So it was her brave energy that I needed to be next to after taking the plunge into unemployment. I recall being in Joshua Tree National Park and the rocks whispering things to me I was not ready to hear but needed to listen to. The next day we did a cleansing ceremony, and more messages came to me. Again, I was not ready to accept it. When I got home, I spoke to my friends and family and they all said the same thing.

"Who cares, Esther? Just do it!" 

And I wanted to do it. But the fear. The fear was holding me back. Correction: IS holding me back.

After a box wine and karaoke night, a friend sent me Priya Parker's Youtube on quitting and rebooting your life. Call it divine intervention, but it is exactly what I need to do right at this moment in order for me to take the messages I have been receiving and put it into good use.

There are 7 steps to rebooting I will be documenting on my blog  for the next few weeks.

STEP 1 (Mental & Emotional level)- Take the obituary test and make sure you pass: Write down your Obituary on paper. Answering basic questions like; how do you I want to live my life? etc.

STEP 2 (Mental & Emotional level) – Passion comic strip: What passion do you have? Interview 5-10 close people ask them When they have seen you happy? Draw on paper cartoon series about your passion and thing you wish to do or did till now.

STEP 3 (Physical & Emotional)- Get comfortable with this concept: Build your muscles for discomfort i.e. get habituated with awkward and humiliating situations in life! Just for the experiment she has suggested following 3 crazy ways -

(a)      Start singing in public places when in queue or standing. Notice your emotions inside  the body (heart),and feelings while doing this.
(b)      Go outside for dinner alone (habit of staying alone), without reading  material, mobile or anything to entertain
(c)      Stand-up facing back towards door in a lift (different from others)

STEP 4 (Mental & Emotion)- Life Sentence: Give yourself a life sentence, like many organization and companies generally have their mission and vision statements. Ask questions like, What do I value? What is purpose of my life?,etc see below:

A. What are the qualities and values that I bring with me (regardless of family or at work)?
B. What is that I actually Do?
C. Why I do all this? It is most difficult but important task. It helps in analysing your life and help you to make future decision-making about life

STEP 5 (Finance)-  Dwindling-Cash Experiment:  To check how much money is enough money for you to live a normal life. In this experiments you first note down how much money you spend on yourself per month (not how much you earn) . Take that amount from bank and put it in an envelope. Then divide it into 4 parts (40%, 30%, 20% and 10% of total).  Then expose yourself to 4 different money parts one in each week. Start with 40% money for first week, then 30% in next week, etc. Note down what you did in each week and how did you manage e.g.  live with this much money for one week each to know how much money is sufficient for you/your habits/constraints/spending pattern, mind-set, etc. Find out what amount you are comfortable with and live on. Build a financial model and see how much you need to “reboot” your life.

STEP 6 (Mental) – Help Somebody else: Identify 5 different friends/person who are doing different and interesting jobs. Ask them whether you can spend 1 hour with them to solve any of their difficult problem in their business. It will build habit , how can I help others and  realize which problems you can/can’t solve ( your strength weakness analysis).

STEP 7 (Mental & Emotional) – Social accountability & PR:  Invite your 7 ‘close’ friends and tell them about your plan of quitting current job and rebooting life. Note their Suggestions and reactions. This will help you to know about your Social accountability and PR groups practice.

If anyone wants to go on this journey with me you are more than welcome! I was going to start right off with the obit, but realized I wanted to document the back story for my own reading in order to see the progress being made. That's the project manager in me doing it.  LOL! For anyone going through a similar journey, I wish you all the best this universe has to offer.

Check out the video in the link below.